Clinical Science

A Transformation in Cancer Patient Care


The Problem

To date, there has been no regulatory approval for any test that reveals the extent to which the tumour(s) of a particular patient will either respond, or be resistant to, radiation treatment, whether that radiation is via external beam or brachytherapy. Current clinical decision making for each tumour is based on medical “art”, not hard numbers. Our Radnost test provides the first commercially practical solution to this long standing problem.

The Solution

The Radnost test reveals the extent to which any tumour of any cancer type is predicted to be sensitive, or resistant, to radiation (where radiation responsiveness is a continuous variable). It does this via the apex metabolic predictor manganese and its cellular associations with normal metabolic products. High levels of manganese mark a tumour as being at the radio-resistant end of a spectrum, while low levels place the tumour at the radio-sensitive end of the spectrum.


The importance of Radnost is that patients with highly radio-sensitive tumours will benefit from radiation, while those with highly resistant tumours can be assessed more specifically for other treatment options in a customised patient treatment program.

Why This Matters

Radnost is a unique pipeline. Its output is a Numeric Atomic Readout (score) of the potential capacity of a tumour to respond to radiation and provides the connection between radio-responsiveness of a tumour and the required clinical actions. The Radnost pipeline provides greater “Precision Medicine” to the Radio Oncologist enabling them to target and individualise cancer treatments more effectively and reduce the burden of side effects.